Founding members

Alexander Kuchta
Alexander KuchtaFounding member
Joern Menninger
Joern MenningerFounding member
Marco Zingler
Marco ZinglerFounding member
Christian W. Jakob
Christian W. JakobFounding member
Atul Choudrie
Atul ChoudrieFounding member
Oliver Naegele
Oliver NaegeleFounding member
Ulrich Meissner
Ulrich MeissnerFounding member



JoinMainLand is an association of international entrepreneurs, investors and enthusiasts dedicated to stabilising the European start-up ecosystem. With the Brexit looming on the horizon leading European start-up hubLondon is about to leave the common market.  A thriving ecosystem is being cut off from the largest market in the world.

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand the implications for those who work and live for their ideas and their companies. As a result we banded together to offer an alternative to uncertainty. With JoinMainLand we want to establish an access point to the dynamic start-up ecosystems in Germany and mainland Europe. A single point of touch if you wish to gain or keep a firm footing in the common market. And the best place for Londoners to do so is the Rhine-Main area around Frankfurt, which is at the heart of Europe. We like to call it MainLand.

Our goal at JoinMainLand is to establish a firm connection between the London and MainLand ecosystems. Our association offers you a convenient and inexpensive way of establishing a presence within the EU. Through our extensive network, we will get you in touch with the right people and become an integral part of the ecosystem in no time.

In our opinion people and community are key. The right people with like minds, in the right place at the right time make the difference. JoinMainLand will help you connect with the start-up ecosystem at the heart of Europe. A place that is connected to the world. The place where founders are highly professional in pursuing a great idea. Where businesses range from services to classic industry, from chemicals via life sciences to financial services, from trade fairs to air carriers. Where many start-ups are focussing on B2B. Where ideas still have space to grow. Where new players are welcomed and nurtured.

Places become worthwhile because the right people are there – everything else comes from this. MainLand is the place with the right people. Join us and grow.


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